Healing starts here.

Supporting health and healing in the East Valley.

Glow from within

For every phase of your health from pre-pregnancy to beyond postpartum care, find restoration and wellness with
Luna Acupuncture.




Holistic care For Every Phase In Your Wellness


Our goal is to provide the tools to help you slow down, listen to and address those needs to live a more vibrant and healthier life.

Your body has the capacity to heal, sometimes you just need guidance in doing it.




Find peace in a beautiful and safe space to promote wellness, restoration, and comfort.

Each session offers a treatment specific to your needs. You’ll be offered lifestyle recommendations to melt away stress, diet, supplements/herbs to nourish and strengthen your body & to get the most out of each session.

Find relief from everyday aches and pains, emotional stress, or any health imbalance. Each session is tailored to restore health and wellness.

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Access Bar

This session is backed by scientific research, in 2015 leading neuroscientist Dr. Jeffrey Fanning examined the neurological effects of Access Bars. He discovered that Access Bars have a positive neurological effect on the recipient greater than the experience by advanced meditators and it produced immediate results. This session entails gentle pressure on 32 points on the head.

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ATP Resonance BioTherapy® is a technique for treating pain that uses low-level electrical current. The current is delivered to certain parts of the body in an attempt to relieve the pain. Frequencies have a direct effect on our bodies and can almost instantaneously change the chemistry. For example, there are frequencies clinically proven to reduce inflammation and others that improve circulation. It’s like writing a computer program for our bodies to heal. There are 100’s of frequencies that we use to reduce inflammation and pain. 

ATP Resonance BioTherapy

Acupuncture needles are disposable, sterile stainless steel filiform needles that are comparable to the thickness of a human hair. The points used are based on your specific presentation and are intentionally placed on specific areas of the body to facilitate the healing process by activating “qi” or energy. Research has demonstrated acupuncture’s effects on the nervous system, endocrine and immune systems, cardiovascular system, and digestive system.

Acupuncture is effective in:

  • resolving pain
  • improving sleep
  • digestive function
  • overall sense of well-being

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Acupuncture Point Injection Therapy is the injection at an acupuncture point o a small amount of a drug, vitamin, saline or plant extract and is a recent innovation of traditional acupuncture and aims to enhance and prolong the effect of stimulation of acupuncture points. 

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APIT-Acunpuncture Point injection therapy

Chinese herbs can enhance the effectiveness of current acupuncture treatments or may be used alone. It’s a great complement to internally treat the body for varied lengths of time. Herbs are provided in various forms: pills/patent formulas, granules/powders and raw herbal formulas. All herbs and supplements are high quality, preferably organic.

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chinese herbs

Chinese fire cupping helps promote lymph flow to muscle tissues, releases fascia, eases aches and pains and benefits the lungs and digestive system.

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Cupping and Gua Sha

Acupuncture sessions help mom-to-be prep for the big day by calming anxiety and big emotions, relaxing muscle tension, and preparing the cervix for labor. Research shows that labor in first time mothers was reduced from eight hours and two minutes to six hours and 36 minutes in the acupuncture group. Treatments start at 36 weeks. Acupressure points will also be shared to use in labor to reduce pain and promote progression in labor.

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Labor Prep

Research shows that acupuncture supports cervical ripening and can shorten the time between the expected due date and the actual time of delivery. Women that received acupuncture had an average delivery of 5 days from their due date vs 7.9 days in the control group. It is also effective to help promote labor for difficult or delayed labor, premature rupture of membranes.

This one time session is the perfect way to feel cared for 5 or more days postpartum to promote recovery. The use of moxibustion on the abdomen and lower back restore energy, circulate blood and relieve any aches and discomfort related to labor. This session can be completed in clinic or at home. Additional travel charge *This treatment is not appropriate for women that are experiencing night sweats or have a temperature.

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mother warming session

Moxa or mugwort artemesia is a dried herb used to help build deficiencies, release cold and promote blood and qi flow in the body. In postpartum health, it is used in our mother warming sessions to promote recovery from labor, to build blood and energy in the body, and to warm the uterus. Research also shows that it is effective in turning breech presentation from 34 weeks on in the third trimester.

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Nutritional counseling is a wonderful way to review what you’re putting in your body for either weight loss, digestive concerns, specific dietary needs like high cholesterol, diabetes or cancer care.

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OM Nutritional Counseling

There have been many studies illustrating the benefits of acupuncture for palliative cancer care. Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center in New York dedicates their program to an integrative setting to help aid recovery for those being treated with cancer. Acupuncture is one of the modalities used in complementary care. Its benefits include improving pain management, digestive distress such as nausea and vomiting associated with chemo therapy, insomnia, and assistance with boosting immune health.

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palliative cancer care

Kari-Ann is seriously the best! She has supported me through autoimmune, infertility, carpal tunnel and every other little ache and pain I have come in with. I’ve truly never felt more cared for by a provider. She is compassionate, invested in my health and well-being and so knowledgeable in her field and how the body functions. I'm beyond grateful to have found Luna Acupuncture and look forward to my weekly appointments.


"Kari-ann is so compassionate!"

I started seeing Kari-Anne a few months ago for pre-in vitro fertilization acupuncture and she is the best! She is incredibly warm and accommodating, and she will do whatever she can to make you comfortable and help you achieve success. Given that my IVF worked and I am now pregnant, I, of course, give her my highest recommendation!


"Kari-ann is the best!"

Kari Ann has been amazing through my pre conception and pregnancy phases. I truly believe acupuncture was the missing link for us having a successful IVF transfer. Our little blessing is now a month old and I credit Kari Ann for helping me stay comfortable and pain free as much as possible during pregnancy and for keeping my anxiety at bay during fertility treatments.


"She made me feel comfortable!"

If you are having pregnancy pains, this is a must do! Don’t put it off. Just schedule and go. I promise you won’t regret it! At 39 weeks, I had spent 2 months in pain and was struggling to even walk. After one session with Kari-Ann I was cleaning my house, playing with my kids and grocery shopping pain free! What a huge relief!


"This is a must do!"

Kari is amazing! A couple of years ago, I never would’ve considered acupuncture, but after trying to conceive for over a year, I decided to give it a shot. Not only have I enjoyed the process, but I also love spending time with Kari. Her natural remedies are easy on the body and relaxing, and every suggestion she’s made has worked. In just a year, I’ve learned more about balancing and correcting my body from her than from all the fertility specialists and doctors I’ve seen. I’ll be forever grateful for her!

"She is amazing!"

I saw Kari-Ann after struggling to conceive for 6 months. With her warm, knowledgeable approach, she helped me understand my health and what was normal. After a few sessions, I became pregnant! Kari-Ann also supported me with natural remedies and dietary changes that eased my nausea. I highly recommend Luna Acupuncture for anyone dealing with fertility or pregnancy issues. Thanks to Kari-Ann, I now have three beautiful children!

"Highly recommend!"

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For Every Phase In Your Wellness

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